About Momomoon

Welcome to Momomoon — where cute meets mental health meets community 🐰 🌼 🎀 🌸

Our capacity to recognize and describe how we're feeling directly impacts our emotional wellbeing, our ability to connect with ourselves and others, and our experience of our world. The different visual states that Momomoon and her friends embody represent the feelings we all experience. They exist to be used as a tool to help us label our emotions and to check in with ourselves.

The feelings you feel, they feel too.

It can be hard to describe how you're feeling!

Often a single word doesn’t encapsulate where you're at — so often we experience a swirl of many emotions spinning around inside us. Sometimes we feel the physical symptoms of our feelings before we’re aware of the emotions themselves.

When we grow our ability to understand ourself and recognize how we’re feeling — we become better able to express our needs, wants, and desires. We not only increase our capacity to deepen our relationship with ourself, but we impact our ability to connect with others as well.

In doing so, we’re better able to honor (and discover) who we truly are.

We are a human-centered brand that is here to cultivate community and have honest conversations around the range of feelings we all experience. We make value-driven products that can be used in your daily life.

The emotions you feel, Momomoon (and her friends) feel too. They were created to remind us to check in with ourselves, and to honor how we’re feeling; however that may be. The characters exist as avatars for us to see ourselves in them. They visually mirror the emotions we all experience and what we may be wanting more of.

We're here to reinvent the conversation around emotional wellbeing. However you're feeling, you're always enough 